Monday, June 13, 2011

Bass Pro - "For Fishermen, Hunters, and Other Liars"

We may not be hunters, fisherwomen, or even that into camping, but we sure look good in camo.

Erin and I ventured into the world of outdoorsmen this afternoon, and it only took a five minute drive.

We live approximately two blocks from the world's biggest Bass Pro Shop. Visiting it has been a goal of ours ever since our freshmen year of college. Today we finally made it there.

Walking up to the store, we felt overwhelmed with the store's magnificence. We could hardly contain our excitement in the anticipation of wandering through a wooded wonderland of merchandise.

"I thought about Sarah Palin." - Erin

Inside we were immediately greeted by a very nice lady who seemed excited to be there as well. Also in the front of the store were the tired wives of various men who looked as if they would much rather be anywhere else. Truthfully, if I was subjected to Bass Pro very often, it would lose its appeal. Then again, neither Erin nor I are too big shooting things (Except for BuckHunting. More later.).

We went into the main commercial part of the store first, attracted  by the stuffed wildlife that were gracing the tops of clothing racks, candle shelves, and bins of beer coozies.

We looked at racoons (stuffed), turtles (real!), and a giant stand of candy (which is way too expensive by the way). Waterfalls! There were waterfalls and also various elderly couples.

Ps. There's a fudge shop in Bass Pro? Who knew.

"In case you get hungry." - Erin

Anyway, we went through the various sections of the store, tried on cool stuff, took some great pictures, and played BuckHunter!!!!

We didn't really mean to play actually. We just wanted to play the 50 cent shooting at targets game, but I put money in the wrong part and we ended up paying four dollars to compete against each other in a hunting game. Needless to say, neither of us broke any records.

We checked out the boating area after we were done there, but it was boring unless you have money to buy a boat. Or like fishing poles.

I had a lot of fun and so did Erin. If you live in Springfield, or are visiting, or are here for school, you really need to go to Bass Pro. I would wait a little while though to go, unless you are leaving immediately. They are about to open an Archery Hall of Fame soon and I'm sure that's going to be really great.

"There's a gift shop for the store. It's ridiculous. 'Here, I bought you a shirt. It proves I went to this store.'" -Erin

Turkey *Not real

Turtles *Real

Erin is a bear

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